28 October
28 October

China Forestry Treasury Center Participated in “Packaged Meals” Volunteer Activity

China Forestry Treasury Center (“CFTC”) has always had with high awareness in corporate social responsibility. Not only do we care about the wellness of our employees, we also give back to the society. On 28 October 2019, we joined a charity activity organised by Food For Good (“FFG”) at its Yau Tong Community Kitchen. The team assisted on the packing of lunch boxes for the underprivileged in Hong Kong.

By way of introduction, the FFG staff gave us a briefing on the operation of Yau Tong Community Kitchen. FFG would first collect surplus food (vegetables, meat and canned food, etc) from supermarkets & wet markets and receive food donation from the public. Then, FFG chefs will utilize the collected food items to prepare free of charge healthy meals to its service clients.

After the briefing, CFTC team members were assigned to different work stations and collaborate with other FFG volunteers. Divided into 3 production lines, our team helped packing the cooked food items (i.e. rice, vegetables and the mains) into recycled lunch boxes. To keep food safe and hot, lunch boxes were then immediately put into thermal boxes and ready for delivery.

Daniel Cheng, Chairman and Managing Director of CFTC, believed that this meaningful volunteering activity could raise the team’s awareness on the negative impact untreated kitchen waste had brought to the society. He was convinced that this activity served as a wake-up call for everyone to reduce waste production, cherish food and make good use of kitchen waste. Furthermore, this event was an excellent opportunity for CFTC to strengthen and demonstrate our team spirit. Lastly, Daniel expressed that FFG and CFTC indeed share the same belief in sustainable development.

FFG is a non-profit organization founded by Mrs. Regina Leung, the wife of former Hong Kong chief executive, in November 2012. FFG aims to empower and inspire the community to enact positive solutions to the issue of food waste. It works with various non-government organizations, industrial and commercial sectors, community organizations, schools and environmental groups to encourage a greener eating habit, promote food recycling and establish community kitchens.

FFG is committed to promoting and facilitating food waste reduction through redistribution of surplus food and recycling of non-edible food waste as organic compost to avoid environmental pollution. Last but not least, FFG also cooks hot meals for the elderly and underprivileged using edible surplus foods.

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